Pyrausta ostrinalis

    Scarce Purple & Gold

    CrambidaeABH 63.008 B&F 1363

    A moth of short-turf, species-rich calcareous grassland, and very local within the county, though occasionally numerous where it occurs.  Its stronghold is western Mendip, from Brean Down to the Crook Peak area.  There are recent records from the Poldens and from Withycombe Scruffits west of Minehead, with multiple individuals in both areas suggesting resident populations.  There are a few sites that would seem suitable from which it has not been recorded for some years - Thurlbear Quarrylands, Sand Point, Goblin Combe and Dolebury Warren.  Needs to be separated with considerable care from other Pyrausta species, especially P. purpuralis.

    Adult Verification Grade: 2

    Scarce Purple & Gold (Pyrausta ostrinalis) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies