Phtheochroa inopiana

    Fleabane Drab

    TortricidaeABH 49.092 B&F 921

    Rare and local, most frequently in and around the Blackdowns, and generally scarcer in the north of the county.  Usually recorded as an adult to light.

    Adult Verification Grade: 2

    Plain Conch (Phtheochroa inopiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Plain Conch (Phtheochroa inopiana) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Plain Conch (Phtheochroa inopiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Plain Conch (Phtheochroa inopiana) photographed in Somerset by Jenny Vickers
    Plain Conch (Phtheochroa inopiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies