Eucosma hohenwartiana

    Common Knapweed Tortrix

    TortricidaeABH 49.266 B&F 1200

    Fairly common and widespread.  Associated with black knapweed Centaurea nigra, a still-common but much-declined meadow species.  Most records are of adults to light, but it can also be seen by day, and reared from the seedheads over winter (see account for E. cana for notes on this).

    Adult Verification Grade: 2

    Bright Bell (Eucosma hohenwartiana) photographed in Somerset by Steve Chapple
    Bright Bell (Eucosma hohenwartiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Bright Bell (Eucosma hohenwartiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies
    Bright Bell (Eucosma hohenwartiana) photographed in Somerset by Sue Davies