Argyresthia cupressella

    Cypress Tip Moth

    ArgyresthiidaeABH 20.007 B&F 409b

    Another Argyresthia associated with garden/ornamental cypresses.  First recorded in 2010, it is now frequent in urban areas, particularly around Taunton and Weston-super-Mare.

    Adult Verification Grade: 2

    Cypress-tip Moth (Argyresthia cupressella) photographed in Somerset by Christopher Iles
    Cypress-tip Moth (Argyresthia cupressella) photographed in Somerset by Paul Wilkins
    Cypress-tip Moth (Argyresthia cupressella) photographed in Somerset by Paul Wilkins
    Cypress-tip Moth (Argyresthia cupressella) photographed in Somerset by Paul Wilkins